Oval Sock Box Counter - Hardware and Graphics

Oval Sock Box Counter - Hardware and Graphics
Oval Sock Box Counter - Hardware and Graphics

The Oval Sock Box fabric counter is a sleek, simple and compact design that is ideal for exhibition use or store-front reception. The pole support panel stretches the fabric screen and connects the upper and lower panels to form the counter complete with an attractive black countertop. This lightweight product weighs no more than 18 lbs (40"h X 24"w). This product includes both hardware and graphics resulting in a 10% discount. This product is constructed with an aluminum frame, wooden tops and bases and tensioned fabric dyesublimation graphics.

This product can be purchased separately as hardware (sb-ovalh) or graphics only ( sb-ovalg).

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List price:$337.00
Shipping Dimensions: 26 × 18 × 5 in
Weight: 18 lb